Monday, July 7, 2008

A Little Disappointed

I am a bit disappointed. See, I've been trying to get my freelance writing career off and running, but it seems to be more just off, and perhaps standing. It's certainly not running.

I've always been told, you're a good writer; you should do this for a living. And, I've always wanted to, but lately, I'm wondering if that's the best thing to do. Have the compliments gone to my head, and I'm really not that good? Mom, have you been pulling my leg? Am I too prideful? Who knows?

I've submitted a few articles, that I thought were decent to a couple of magazines. One was a local magazine. They've all been rejected as not a right fit for our publication. I can handle rejection. I modeled some in college and I didn't date much in high school (actually I took best guy pals to all the dances, including prom), if you know what I mean. Rejection isn't new to me. But, if I can't even get published in a local magazine, sheesh.

Perhaps it's pregnancy hormones getting me down. My husband did point out that it was just a few rejections. I don't know. Instead of dwelling on it, I'll just keep submitting, pray for guidance, and see what happens. Maybe God is telling me to focus on different magazines or maybe He's saying this isn't the right time and I need to focus on my daughter and pregnancy and try writing later. Or maybe I just need to develop a little perseverance. I feel like God places passions in our hearts for a reason; I just need to figure out how to use that talent for His glory.

Instead of leaving on an icky note, I wanted to share some funny things A is saying, now that she's talking more and more clearly.

If you ask her what is in mommy's tummy or what mommy is having, she says a puppy. Sometimes she will say kitty-cat. Imagine her surprise come December? or Ours!!:)

Also, now when she leaves the room, she says, "Be right back, Mommy. You stay here." And she smacks her lips, like MMMnnnn, as though she's sending you a kiss.

Really, who needs a writing career, when I've got that blessed gift each day. She'll be off to kindergarten before I know it and I'll have plenty of time to write and submit...except that the little one will only be 3.......but I'll have twice the stories...


Sheryl said...

stopping by for a visit. i can't believe this post is about writing! it's like God is shouting at me everywhere i go. i know i'm supposed to write, i just don't know where to begin.

i want to encourage you to keep going after that dream of writing. God will show you. i haven't ever even submitted anything, so i don't know what that rejection feels like. but i know what rejection in general feels like, and it stinks!

i'll be back to read more.


Anonymous said...

Acceptance in writing is 95% rejection...on the best day. And a little disappointment is useful. If it's what you want to do, you have to do it. So don't let rejection get you down. is good to accuratley gauge what you're up against. Any time you submit, know the publication well, know the articles it publishes, and know as best you can the kinds of submissions it regularly gets. Then do what it wants better than anybody else is doing it.

And lean on the family and friends.
