Monday, July 23, 2012

Moms of Boys Blog Hop

Welcome to my blog, Because I Said So!.  I am so excited to be participating in the annual Blog Hop.  I just stumbled across the site while on Twitter, so today is my first day to learn about Moms of Boys, and I am so excited to join the group!!!  When I discovered the blog hop, I though it would be fun to participate!!

My name is Julie Anna, and I am the proud mom of a sweet, thoughtful, adventurous three-year-old boy named Connor (and a sweet six-year-old girl, Annie).  I love being a mom and balance staying home with my two children with running my own tutoring business, Over The Mountain Tutoring.  My loves include Jesus, my wonderful husband, parenting, writing, education, running, reading, exploring with my son, cheering for my daughter's swim team and many more!  If that isn't enough adventure, my children and I will be embarking on our homeschooling journey this fall!  So any moms who also homeschool, I'd love to hear from you and to learn from your experiences! 

My blog covers our new adventures in-depth.  I also love to write about my children.  Blogging since 2007, I took a small hiatus to work on my business but am now back and eager to share our homeschooling experience with the world in a hope to offer encouragement to new homeschoolers and rekindle that spark in those who've been homeschooling for years.  I hope you will join us on our journey!  I also blog extensively about my how my faith in Jesus Christ colors my perspective on everything from parenting to writing.  I look forward to sharing that insight with you, as well!
Follow me on Twitter, too @sportymamajules.

1 comment:

Rosilind Jukic said...

I am stopping by from the MOB blog hop (I'm still working through the list). Wow - I can't believe I am the first person to comment on your welcome post! It's great meeting other moms of boys out there. Blessings from Croatia: A Little R & R: