Monday, September 15, 2008

More of the Same for the Tigers

Let's hope Auburn's offensive line treated the defense to breakfast Sunday because they certainly owe them something. After self-destructing Saturday night against Mississippi State, it looks like Auburn could be facing some of the same offensive woes that plagued the team last season.

As I watched the game, I was struck by the mistakes, the looks of confusion, the complete lack of execution displayed by Auburn's offense. I'll be the first to admit that when it comes to x's and o's, I am not an expert. But I am enough of a fan to see that their interpretation of the spread offense looks more like a group of random guys who decided, "Hey, let's get together and play football tomorrow." And, if no-huddle is meant to make the game go faster, there were times during the game that I'd rather been watching paint dry or water boil. It really seemed like the longest game in NCAA history.

It seemed that whatever Tony Franklin was calling wasn't working. I kept waiting for Tuberville to take the reins. Seriously, if it didn't work the first time, it probably isn't going to work the 40th time. Fortunately Paul Rhoads's defense seems to be strong and able, but I have serious concerns that Auburn either currently doesn't have the personnel to run Franklin's offensive scheme or Franklin's offensive scheme isn't translating well at Auburn. Either way, there's a lot of work to do on the Plains.

1 comment:

Southern Cheesehead said...

yes, but only 1 loss in the SEC so far is pretty good. I'm sure we're not going to end undefeated either. You'll be fine...growing pains are painful, but worth it in the end. Alabama fans could write a book on that! welcome to our last 6 least!