1. Enjoy your pregnancy. Relish every quiet, peaceful, uninterrupted moment of your pregnancy. Go to bed at 8:00 pm if you feel so inclined. Sleep in until noon. Sit down at a table and enjoy all three courses of your meal. Read a book. Binge watch Netflix. Then say good-bye to all of these activities for 18 years. It's okay; I'll pause while you take a moment of silence.

3. If you plan to nurse, prepare for your milk to letdown at the most awkward times: singing in the choir at church, lecturing students on participial phrases, checking out at the grocery store, making a deposit at the bank. You will be your very own Leaky Cauldron, and I'm not talking Harry Potter, friend. This is a magic all of its own. Buy lots of those little pads for your bra and be prepared because milk happens.
4. Speaking of breast feeding, there is no such thing as pumping discreetly unless you work on an airport runway or at a bar with a heavy metal band. That pumping noise can broadcast through steel walls. If you pump in your classroom during your ten minute planning period, lock the door. That's a difficult one to explain to the poor administrator who waltzes through the door. Hang a sign that says "Pumping in Progress." No one will come near your room. Forget, leave it up the rest of the day, and catch a nap.
5. I know you teach aerobics. Bless you. Plan on having a co-teacher for those five to ten times you have to dash off to the restroom during jumping jacks. Trampolines? Forget about it unless you also carry an extra pair of pants for you in that giant diaper bag you'll be hauling around.
7. Never say never. Everything you learned in that child development class you took in college, all those precious parenting strategies you tucked away for when you had children will not apply when your child is projectile vomiting on your Karastan area rug or when your angel decides to decorate the kitchen counter with permanent marker or shred the stack of essays you were about to grade. You will say that thing your mom always said and you swore you'd never say, and to add salt to the wound, it will leave your mouth in her voice. You will find yourself saying things like, "Please don't bite your toenails until you at least wash your feet." Or, "What did you think would happen when you shoved a grape up your nose?"
8. The baby-apparatus companies will tell you it is impossible to rear your child without forty-five gadgets and three different cribs. Please remember our parents did this with drop side cribs and walkers on wheels sans baby gates. We just rolled to the next landing where our parents set us upright then we'd keep toddling along. Thousands of generations of babies survived without designer diapers and boppity-boopy seats.
9. Your friends will change a bit. You'll swear to all of your childless friends that you guys will be BFFs forever, and you will with one or two, but your endless talk about how your baby smiled, pooped green, spit up, made adorable cooing noises will begin to wear thin. You can't help it. At this moment, your whole world revolves around someone who is 20 inches and weighs ten pounds and can shake the foundation of your house with screaming at 2 am. If you do manage to keep silent about your little love, you won't be able to follow their conversation about the latest episode of Downton Abbey because you nodded off during the evening news. It may seem intimidating or impossible at first, but before you know it, you'll be surrounded by a group of mommas who love to discuss breast milk storage and The Runaway Bunny as much as you.
So, baby sister, congratulations. You are embarking on a journey that will forever transform your life. You will wake up in ten years and realize you are gentler, more compassionate, more patient, kinder, more joyful, and more loving than you ever thought possible. You'll thank God for using this precious miracle to cultivate within your own life the fruit of His spirit. Now that you know what to expect, fasten your seatbelt, and enjoy the ride!
1 comment:
Omg!! I have never laughed so hard and so glad I was trying to find October, 2020 and ended up in 2016!! My email is never ending!!You should publish this book style and make millions. I can quit worrying about my children needing parenting advise with you as a big sister, although Amy actually has a head start on you!!!
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