I, too, love the Gulf. I just prefer to watch it glisten in the sun from the comfort of a beach chair, planted firmly in the soft sands of the shore, reclining with my favorite magazine in hand, usually, Southern Living, preferably Rick Bragg's column. My children prefer to be in the Gulf, churning and twirling in the relentless pounding of the surf. Apparently, they find this to be fun. Again, I prefer the reading and sunning safely on the shore, but when my children suggested I join them in their churning and twirling with a chorus of "please" and some really cute puppy faces, I agreed.

As we waddle through the surf back to our chairs, I ponder our adventure and wonder, "How often do I miss the 'best day ever' because I'm afraid to trust Jesus's call to leave the safety of the shore and trek out into the deep?" How often is He calling me to join Him in the adventure of a lifetime, while I cling to the safety of my beach chair, shouting, "No, I'm good here!" The Creator of seaweed, jellyfish, and sharks has planned a thrilling life for each of us, but so often we miss the thrill because we're content to sit with the seagulls. I'm not afraid to swim in the sea, but I do find myself anxiously treading with caution, wondering if each step forward brings danger untold. My children dive in eagerly seeing adventure. Of course, I'm there holding their hands and urging them to proceed with caution, but isn't that what God does, too? He invites us to join Him in the deep unknown with the assurance that He will go with us, holding our hand each step of the way. Go ahead, you just might find "your best day ever" waiting beyond the shore.
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